

単語 SNE正式訳 自分訳
False Flags 39
Farm, the 102
Fast-Talk 言いくるめ(技能) 24,55,90
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 8,66,102
Femme Fatale 9
Fiber-Optic Scopes 50
Flaps and Seals Skill Specialization 22
Flechettes 46
Food Poisoning 63
Forensics 鑑識(技能) 21
Forgery 偽造(技能) 55
Frameups 90
Fraulein Doktor 13
Freedom Fighters 12
Freelancers 41
Friendly Fire 87
Froelich, Rene 66
Fuchs, Klaus 69
Fuel Contaminants 46
Fugu 64
Fume Sponge 49
